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Red Imported Fire Ants in Virginia

Current Distribution of Red Imported Fire Ant in Virginia

This map shows the currently known distribution for reproducing populations of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA)  in Virginia.

The map does not include RIFA detections thought to be associated with the transport of regulated items or vehicles. The information on the map is current as of the date on the map. This map will be updated periodically as needed. RIFA is found in 25 cities and counties in Virginia, predominantly located in the southeast and on the southern border of the state.

Red imported fire ant distribution map

Within the quarantined area (indicated by the red color on the above map), homeowners and businesses are responsible for RIFA management. Your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office can assist you with information on how to manage RIFA on your property. Find your local office at: Businesses moving regulated items outside of the quarantine require a fire ant permit. If you wish to know how to obtain a fire ant permit for your business, contact the VDACS Office of Plant Industry Services at:

VDACS does treat RIFA infestations outside of the quarantine in an effort to eradicate identified colonies. If you find a fire ant infestation outside of the red quarantine area, report your find to the VDACS Office of Plant Industry Services at:

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