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Red Imported Fire Ant Resource Page

Resources from the Virginia Tech Department of Entomology


Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) distribution in Virginia

RIFA is found primarily in southeastern Virginia but has been spreading westward along the southern border. RIFA has been found in the Cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, Emporia, Franklin and Danville; and in the counties of James City, York, Brunswick, Isle of Wight, Greensville, Mecklenburg, Southampton, Lee, Halifax, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Dinwiddie, and Sussex. Additional locations will be added to this list as they are verified by the US Department of Agriculture.

The Fire Ant Quarantine by VDACS only includes locations on its map near transportation corridors or with large, widespread populations of Red Imported Fire Ant  The  quarantine covers 7 counties and 11 cities.

Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) 444-284 (ENTO-342P)         

As of 2019, multiple Virginia counties and cities are now under the Federal Fire Ant Quarantine. For all practical purposes, the implementation of the quarantine means that the US Department of Agriculture will no longer be responsible for controlling fire ant colonies within the quarantine areas. Therefore, it is important for citizens within the quarantine areas to become familiar with the risks associated with fire ants, and to learn how to properly control fire ant infestations.

Red Imported Fire Ant Logger Self-Inspection Checklist     

RIFA is found in loose, uncompacted soil in places like cutovers, edges of wooded areas, logging roads, and parking areas for trucks and equipment. Soil picked up by skidders, truck landing gear, and earth moving equipment can harbor and carry RIFA.

Red Imported Fire Ant Farmer Self-Inspection Checklist     

RIFA is found in loose, uncompacted soil in hay fields, row crops, roadsides, and pastures. Soil picked up by combines, planters, cultivators, plows, hay bales, and earth moving equipment can harbor and carry fire ants.

Avoiding Fire Ant Stings

Imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) are an increasing concern for homeowners and farming operations as fire ants expand their range in Virginia.

Horticultural & Forest Crops 2022 Red Imported Fire Ant Management for Foresters and Loggers

Fire ants have been found in forest clearings following timber harvests and during site preparation and reforestation operations. See the section on Pests Of Forestry And Christmas Trees: Red Imported Fire Ant Management for Foresters and Loggers on page 8-22 in the Pest Management Guide for Horticultural & Forest Crops 2022.


Resources from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS)


Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services fire ant web page

Information on biology, reporting infestations, and quarantine information

Red Imported Fire Ant quarantine map

The Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) quarantine covers 7 counties and 11 cities


Resources from the U.S. Department of Agriculture


Quarantine and federal regulations on Red Imported Fire Ant.

Moving Baled Hay from Areas Under Quarantine for Imported Fire Ant

Truckers: Don’t Let Imported Fire Ants Hitch a Ride

Potential Range of Imported Fire Ants in the US


Resources from Cooperative Extension programs outside Virginia


University of Georgia, Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas

University of Florida, Featured Creatures: Red Imported Fire Ant

Texas A&M, How Can I Tell if I Have Fire Ants?

Clemson University, Managing Fire Ants in the Vegetable Garden

Clemson University,  Fire Ant Management in the Home Lawn

Clemson University, Hints and Tips for an Effective Fire Ant Management Program in Home Landscapes Using Broadcast Baits

University of Tennessee, Calibrating a Fire Ant Bait Spreader

University of Tennessee, Managing Fire Ants in Urban Areas

University of Tennessee, 2020 Fire Ant Management in Pastures and Rangeland

University of Tennessee, The Two-Step Method: Managing Fire Ants Around Homes and in Neighborhoods

University of Tennessee, Imported Fire Ant Control in Production Nurseries With Baits