Hokie BugCamp

Hokie BugCamp 2024 - Insect Collecting Sessions
In 2024, Hokie BugCamp will focus on one of the most popular components of entomology - collecting live insects! Sessions will be held at Heritage Park in Blacksburg on Friday July 12 at 10am-12pm and Saturday, July 13 from 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. This activity, recommended for children ages 6-13 years old, is focused on the collection, identification, and pinning of insect specimens. Participants, who will need to register through our form below, will be supplied with insect collecting and pinning supplies during the event. They will then be able to take their specimens home. Optional camp boxes are also available for purchase through the registration form. These will give your camper the supplies necessary to build a pinned insect collection. A “returning camper” box is also available. These boxes will be available for pickup at the scheduled sessions and payment will be due at that time (cash or check).
Any individual that would like to participate in collecting and pinning activities must be registered. Campers must also be accompanied by an adult and supervised by that adult at all times during this activity.
Activities will be available online for those who cannot attend. We will also have activities available at the event for campers that do not want to participate in the pinning exercise or siblings that are not participating as a camper.
If you have any questions, please contact Whitney Weaver – wawhit@vt.edu