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Entomology Seminar

Spring 2025 Series

All seminars are scheduled for Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 P.M. in person in 220 Price Hall unless otherwise indicated. All seminars will have a virtual component for people who want to participate virtually.  If you are interested in attending these seminars virtually you may register here to receive the Zoom links and calendar reminders automatically.

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 23rd No Seminar (Canceled) - - -
January 30th Boris Vinatzer Virginia Tech School or Plant and Environmental Sciences Jonathan Auguste Making sense of nonsense: the challenge of sequence-based pathogen identification without culturing
February 6th Jiangtao Liang Virginia Tech Entomology Maria Sharakhova Hybrid Incompatibility and Sex Determination in Mosquitoes
February 13th John Muller  Virginia Tech Entomology Jonathan Auguste

Double your Cache: Cache Valley Virus Ecology, Distribution, and Sylvatic Contributors as determined by Niche Modeling, and the Development of an Mouse-adapted Strain for use in Immune-competent Murine Models.

February 20th Bryan Hsu Virginia Tech Biological Sciences Jonathan Auguste The viruses you might like: the impact of bacteriophages in the gut** 
February 27th Niranjana Krishnan University of Maryland Aaron Gross

Assessing the risk of pesticide exposures on monarch butterflies

March 7th ESA Practice Talks - No Seminar - - -
March 14th Spring Break - No Seminar - - -
March 20th Kylene Kehn-Hall Virginia Tech Biological Sciences Jonathan Auguste Neurological Consequences of Viral Encephalitis: Behavioral Deficits, Neuronal Restructuring, and Therapeutic Interventions
March 27th Catherine Cotrupi Virginia Tech Graduate School Jonathan Auguste Microagressions and microaffirmations
April 3rd Haldre Rogers Virginia Tech Fish and Wildlife Conservation Sally Entrekin TBD
April 10th Yoshi Tomoyasu Miami University Ohio Margaret Couvillon Origin and Evolution of the Insect Wing Gene Network
April 17th Jennifer Tank University of Notre Dame Sally Entrekin Understanding controls on eDNA removal in streams to improve molecular detection of rare or invasive species.
April 24th Anton Suvorov Virginia Tech Biological Sciences Paul Marek Accurate and Scalable Phylogenetics for Evolutionary Inference
May 1st Margaret Couvillon Virginia Tech Entomology Tim Kring TBD

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2024 Series

These seminars are from a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title.

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 12th Jason Rasgon Penn State Warren Booth In vivo germline editing technologies in insects and beyond
September 19th Julie Allen Virginia Tech Biology Paul Marek Integrating Bioinformatics and Public Engagement to Answer Questions in Evolutionary Biology.
September 26th Jory Brinkerhoff University of Richmond Gillian Eastwood Emergence and spatial expansion of tick-borne disease in Virginia
October 3rd

Ryan Garrick

University of Mississippi Warren Booth How does past lineage fusion affect reconstruction of long-term population history?
October 10th Andrew Suarez University of Illinois Scotty Yang Patterns and consequences of body size variation in ants
October 17th No Seminar (VT Football Game) - - -
October 24th Mark Johnson University of Illinois Roger Schürch Environmental DNA analysis for the assessment of arthropod biodiversity and plant-arthropod interactions
October 31st Adrian Smith NC Museum of Natural Sciences & NCSU W. B. Alwood Entomological Society TBD
November 7th

ESA Practice Talks

Virginia Tech Entomology - -
November 14th ESA Meeting - No Seminar - - -
November 21st Sweta Agrawal Virginia Tech Neuroscience Aaron Gross Using insect models to uncover the function and evolution of proprioceptive circuits
November 28th Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
December 5th Warren Booth Virginia Tech Entomology
Tim Kring
Comparative population genetics of bed bugs

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded.