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Entomology Minor

Undergraduate Program

The entomology department does not offer an undergraduate major leading to a bachelor’s degree. However, departmental faculty offer a variety of courses of both a basic and applied nature. Course offerings are coordinated with the needs of other departments, within and outside of the College of Agriculture. Service courses taught by the department include a general course that serves as part of the University Core Curriculum, as well as several courses designed to meet the educational needs of students in horticulture, environmental science, fisheries and wildlife, and forestry. Basic courses are also provided as part of a cross-listed curriculum with the biology department.

Entomology Minor

Program and Course Requirements

A formal Entomology minor is available to students in any discipline area who request entrance to the program, and who complete the course requirements.  Students must complete 19 hours of course credit related to the discipline area. Insect Biology and Insect Biology Laboratory are required of all students. A minimum of 3 other entomology courses is required, two of which must have a laboratory class associated with them. A list of entomology courses which can be used for the minor is provided below. The remaining credits can be obtained from other entomology courses or from courses in related areas.  A list of approved courses related to the discipline is also given. Students may request credit for courses not on the approved list.  A formal request for course approval can be made by submitting a letter of request to the minor advisor explaining why the course is pertinent to the program of study, and a copy of the course syllabus.  Course substitutions will be contingent upon the approval of the Departmental Curriculum Committee.  A graduation planning course checksheet is available for download below.


Courses Approved for Entomology Minor Credit

Entomology Courses:

  • ENT 2004 - Insects and Human Society (3C)
  • ENT 2254 - Bees & Beekeeping (2C)
  • ENT 2264 - Bees & Beekeeping Laboratory (1C)
  • ENT 2804 - Bees: Biology, Diversity, and Sustainability (3C)
  • ENT 3014 - Insect Biology (2C)
  • ENT 3024 - Insect Biology Laboratory (2C)
  • ENT 3254 - Medical & Veterinary Entomology (3C)
  • ENT 3264 - Medical & Veterinary Entomology Laboratory (1C)
  • ENT 4254 - Insect Pest Management (3C)
  • ENT 4264 - Pesticide Usage (3C)
  • ENT 4354 - Aquatic Entomology (3C)
  • ENT 4484 - Freshwater Biomonitoring (4C)
  • ENT 4984 - Urban and Public Health Entomology (3C)
  • ENT 4994 - Undergraduate Research (up to 3 credits)

Non-Entomology Courses:

  • AAEC 3314 - Environmental Law (3C)
  • AAEC 3604 - Agricultural Law (3C)
  • BIOL 2804 - Ecology (3C)
  • BIOL 3454 - Introductory Parasitology (4C)
  • BIOL 4004 - Freshwater Ecology (4C)
  • BIOL 4454 - Invertebrate Zoology (4C)
  • BIOL 4474 - Ethology (3C)
  • BIOL4664 - Virology (3C)
  • BIOL 4674 - Pathogenic Bacteriology (4C)
  • BCHM 4204 - Biochemical Toxicology (3C)
  • ENGL 3764 - Technical Writing (3C)
  • ENSC 3604 - Fundamentals of Environamental Science (3C)
  • FIW 4454 - Vertebrate Pest Management (3C)
  • FIW 4614 - Fish Ecology (3C)
  • FREC (HORT) 3354 - Trees in Built Environment (3C)
  • FREC 4514 - Forest and Tree Pest Management (3C)
  • PPWS 3104 - Plant Pathology (4C)
  • PPWS 4504 - Fundamentals of Plant Physiology (3C)
  • STAT 3005-3006 - Statistical Methods (3C)
  • STAT 3615-3616 - Biological Statistics (3C)


Agricultural Technology Program

Entomology Department faculty members offer two courses and contribute to a third course in the Agricultural Technology Program. This program is an associate degree program with options in agricultural business, animal agriculture, crop production, and landscape and turf management. Our courses provide training in pest management and pesticide application as part of the crop production, and landscape and turf management options. A course on urban pest management has been added recently to the curriculum to help prepare students for the professional pest control industry.


Please contact Dr. James Wilson at or 540-231-2168.