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Entering students are expected to have completed a course in organic chemistry upon admission to the Graduate School. If this course is lacking, the student will be required to correct the course deficiency prior to admission or early in their degree program.  All graduate students (MSFLS and PhD) are required to demonstrate competency in basic insect biology and statistics prior to graduation.  Competency in insect biology may be demonstrated by taking courses like insect biology, medical/veterinary entomology or another course beyond introductory or general entomology.  All students must complete at least one course in each of three core areas:

  • Biochemistry/molecular and cell biology (Biochemistry for Life Sciences ,Insect Physiology and Molecular Biology, or Insecticide Toxicology)
  • Statistics (Biometry, Statistics in Research, or approved substitute)
  • Information management (Research and Information Systems in the Life Sciences)


Ph.D. Program

MSLFS Program

Accelerated MSLFS Program

Entomology Minor

Online Masters Degree

For those seeking a distance learning degree, please consider the Agricultural and Life Sciences Online Graduate Degree Program. Several entomology courses are available within the five concentration options.


Please contact our Graduate Program Director, Dr. Scott Salom at or 540-231-2794.