Douglas Pfeiffer
- Professor
- Fruit Entomologist

My position (40% teaching, 35% research, 25% extension) deals primarily with fruit IPM and ecological interactions in vineyard, small fruit, and orchard systems. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Integrated Pest Management, as well as Insect Structure and Function.
B.S. (1976), University of Massachusetts
M.S. (1978), North Carolina State University
Ph.D. (1982), Washington State University
Professional Memberships
- Entomological Society of America
- Gamma Sigma Delta - Honor Society of Agriculture
- Georgia Entomological Society
- International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences
- North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association
- Phi Beta Delta -- International Scholars' Society
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Sigma Xi - The Scientific Research Society
- South Carolina Entomological Society
- Virginia Association of Biological Farming
- Virginia Extension Service Association
- Virginia State Horticultural Society
- Virginia Vineyards Association
Courses Taught
- ENT 4254 Insect Pest Management (Undergraduate; every spring) (2016 CRN: 14030 Monday lab, 14029 Wednesday lab)
- ENT 5114 Insect Structure and Function (Graduate; fall of odd years)
- ENT 5214 Arthropod Pest Management (Graduate; fall of even years)
- ENT 5234 Managing Arthropod Pests (Graduate on-line; spring of even years, summer of odd years) (Spring 2016 CRN: 14038)
I am an instructor in the online Masters of Agriculture and Life Sciences degree program. (See 2014-2015 Extended Campus tuition rates) (Presenting the OMALS program in a distance learning symposium in Dakar Senegal)
I have developed an international component to my program, and am involved in two regional projects. Within IPM IL (Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab, supported by USAID), I work with biological control in rice. In another project (ERA – Education and Research in Agriculture, also supported by USAID), I work on development of distance learning, and management of an invasive fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis in mango (see a posting in The Compass blog on a student project on fruit flies attacking mango). I was formerly the Site Chair for the Eastern European and West African regional projects (Albania, Ukraine and Moldova) within the IPM IL (formerly IPM CRSP). These projects deal with high value horticultural crops, primarily vegetable crops.
A full list of Dr. Pfeiffer's publications can be found here.
My overall research program deals with Integrated Pest Management in Vineyard, Small Fruit, and Orchard systems. Currently two species comprise most of my Virginia fruit IPM research - conventional and organic management of brown marmorated stink bug, and spotted wing drosophila. In recent years, other research has centered in mating disruption for lepidopteran pests, grape root borer, Japanese beetle in caneberry and vineyard settings, and sharpshooters that transmit Pierce's disease in grapevines, biogeography of plum curculio strains and their Wolbachia symbionts, and insect/plant interactions. I also have an international research program, dealing with IPM in mango (Senegal) and rice (Cambodia).
- Ecological interactions between spotted wing drosophila and African fig fly
- Potential for biological control of spotted wing drosophila
- Biology, ecology, and management of brown marmorated stink bug in orchard crops
- Biological control in Cambodian rice production
- Biology and management of oriental fruit fly in Senegalese mango
- Invasive ant distribution in Hawaii
- Mays, Ryan
- Shrader, Meredith (Ph.D.) (Host plant effects and interspecific interactions with spotted wing drosophila)
- Chalise, Pragya (Ph.D.) (Ecological interaction of grape berry moth)
- Wahls, Jamie (M.S.) (Parasitoids attacking spotted wing drosophila)
- Riedel, Corey (M.S.) (Biological control of insects pests in Cambodian rice)
- Sandum, Ian (M.S.) (Interactions with invasive drosophilids)
Students in On-line Masters of Agricultural and Life Sciences Program
- Bailey, Damisi (M.S.) (IPM content in professional training
- Willbrand, Brittany (M.S.) (Invasive ants in Hawaii)
I maintain an active extension program in vineyard, small fruit and orchard IPM. We hold winter educational meetings, as well as field meetings for growers in the spring and summer. I participate in written extension publications, e-mail updates and web sites to distribute extension information.
Virginia Fruit Web Site - site for various aspects of fruit production, emphasizing Integrated Pest Management of fruit crops.
Pfeiffer, D. G. (Bulletin Coordinator since 1988), J. C. Bergh, D. L. Frank, C. R. R. Hooks, C. S. Walsh, K. S. Yoder, M. Rahan, J. B. Kotcon, J. F. Derr, R. S. Chandran, M. J. Weaver, A. Brown and J. Parkhurst. 2016. 2016 Spray Bulletin for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers. Va. Coop. Ext. Serv. Publ. 456-419. A regional manual for VA, WV and MD. Revised annually.
Pfeiffer, D. G., C. Johnson, K. S. Yoder and C. Bergh. 2016. Commercial Small Fruits: Disease and Insects. p. 2-1 – 2-28. In: 2016 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest Crops. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-017. Revised annually.
Pfeiffer, D. G., A. B. Baudoin, J. C. Bergh and M. Nita. 2016. Grapes: Diseases and Insects in Vineyards. p. 3-1 – 3-20. In: 2016 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest Crops. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-017. Revised annually.
Pfeiffer, D. G. 2016. Commercial Hops: Disease and Insects. p. 4-7 – 4-8. In: 2016 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest Crops. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-017. Revised annually.
Yoder, K. S., D. G. Pfeiffer, C. Bergh and M. Nita. 2016. Home Fruit: Diseases and Insects. p. 3-1 – 3-23. In: 2016 Pest Management Guide for Home Grounds and Animals. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-018. Revised annually
Sisti, P. A.**, D. G. Pfeiffer and E. R. Day. 2016. Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Va. Coop. Ext. Publ. ENTO-180NP. 2 p.
Pfeiffer, D. G. 2016. Rednecked cane borer, Agrilus ruficollis. Va. Coop. Ext. Publ. 3104-1562. 2 p.
Majek, B., P. Oudemans, D. Pfeiffer and D. Ward. 2015. Commercial grape pest control recommendations for New Jersey, 2015. Rutgers Coop. Ext. Publ E283. (
Nita, M. (Ed.), (Pathology) M. Nita (VT), (Entomology) H. Burrack (NCSU), D. Pfeiffer (VT), (Weed Sci.) W. Mitchem (NCSU), (Vertebrate and Grape Culture) D. Lockwood (Univ TN), (Pesticide Stewardship & Safety) and B. Bellinger (Clemson). 2016. 2016 Southeast Regional Bunch Grape Integrated Management Guide. Southeastern Small Fruit Consortium. (268 hits in 2015)
Brannen, P. (ed.), (Pathology) G. Schnabel (Clemson), (Entomology) H. Burrack (NCSU), R. Bessin (UKy), D. Pfeiffer (VT), (Weed Sci.) W. Mitchem, K. Jennings (NCSU), (Vertebrates) D. Lockwood (Univ. TN), (Culture) G. Fernandez (NCSU), (Pesticide Stewardship & Safety) A. Sial (UGa). 2016. 2016 Southeast Regional Caneberry Integrated Management Guide. Southeastern Small Fruit Consortium.
Day, E. R., T. McCoy, D. Miller, T. P. Kuhar and D. G. Pfeiffer. 2011. Brown marmorated stink bug, Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Halyomorpha halys. Extension Fact Sheet 2902-1100. 2 p. ( (2011 – 5,724)