The Dan Capps Insect Collection

Dan Capps & Tony's Creepy Crawly Zoo
About Dan Capps:
Dan Capps started collecting insects in 1958 at the age of 8 years old. He has traveled the world to collect these insects. Some of these expeditions have taken him to Australia, Cuba, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, and Jamaica as well as other countries. He graduated from Madison East High School and also attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He is a self taught student of the natural sciences. His expertise in the field of entomology is recognized throughout the world. Dan has held memberships in the Wisconsin Entomological Society, Lorquin Entomological Society, International Lepidopterists Society, Young Entomologists Society, and other organizations.
Dan has presented exhibits and lectures in hundreds of schools, shopping malls, and other venues since 1970. He has addressed a variety of groups and organizations and has been featured on many television shows, news programs, newspaper articles, and magazine articles. He has also been the featured exhibitor for Disney World at the Epcot Center, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, the Detroit Science Center, the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison, Wisconsin, the University of Illinois, Purdue University, Penn State University, and for the Entomological Society of America's National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee and Atlanta, Georgia as well as many other venues.
While attending an event at Purdue University many years ago Dan Capps also became involved in spitting crickets for distance. He is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world record holder indoors at 32 feet and 1/2 inch. This record was set on national television in 1998. Guinness is very particular about this record so all attempts to break this record must be done indoors to avoid any influence from the wind and the judges must weigh the crickets. Many venues have held this event outdoors, and although he has been beaten outdoors by his son, the official record still belongs to Dan to date.
About Tony's Creepy Crawly Zoo:
Tony’s Creepy Crawly Zoo is an exciting, dynamic, and theatrical hands-on live insect show that inspires a lifelong love of science and STEAM education in our community’s youth. It empowers students with critical thinking skills and introduces them to an enthralling gateway science that is as accessible as their own backyards.
“The cure for boredom is curiosity, there is no cure for curiosity” – Dorthy Parker.
“All children are natural scientists. They are naturally insanely curious about their world. Over the last 25 years, I’ve learned how perfect insects are to reach them and spark that curiosity to foster a lifelong fascination with learning. Insects are everywhere and affect everything. They are the most dominant life form on the planet. They are exciting, mysterious, alien, and abundantly available to kids. Insects are almost every child’s first fascination with the natural world. No child has to do anything more than step outside to find them. Once they are introduced to them, curiosity and questions follow effortlessly. That is the very foundation of what science is – curiosity. Insects are so diverse in their form and functions that the questions kids ask about insects can lead to every scientific discipline known.” – Antonio Gustin
To reinforce this experience, we have designed a Science Diary for students. The booklet is free and everyone receives one. The Science Diary introduces students to the tenets of science and provides pages for students to record observations like real scientists. The tenets of science are very simple yet crucial to developing critical thinking skills that any student can master at any age.

Prior to COVID, Tony’s Creepy Crawly Zoo traveled the country with its live insect show that lit wildfires of scientific curiosity in children. The show was an experience kids never forgot. Tony had been working to create a permanent location that was an insect/reptile themed natural science park for kids. Just when all seemed to be on the verge of happening and Tony even published a science activity book to enhance the live experience, the pandemic struck, and all those years of work came to a screeching halt.
As with many businesses that revolved around large crowds, you had to either adapt or die. Most similar shows went virtual. “I did one virtual show, and it was just awful. Sitting in front of a webcam and holding an insect wasn’t even remotely like the live show. I had to find a new way to recreate an “experience”.” Tony turned to an idea he had many years earlier, Virtual Reality. The problem was, the technology for a VR macro camera did not exist, so he invented one.
Fast forward half a dozen failed attempts and 2 years later, Macro VR is now a “reality.” The result was an 8k camera that can take you inside the habitats of the creatures in the Creepy Crawly Zoo and let you see the world as if you were 2” tall. Tony will be discussing how his vision of an insect/reptile themed natural science park for kids has been reborn in the Metaverse. Attendees will have a chance to experience it and even meet some of the animals of the Creepy Crawly Zoo.
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