Bugs: The Good, Bad, Big, and the Business

Virginia Pest Management Association
The Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA) is a state trade association for the pest management industry. Our members protect our homes, businesses, and public places from unwanted pests.
Some pests cause health issues such as mosquitos, cockroaches, and stinging insects. Others can literally eat us out of house and home like termites and carpenter ants. And some pests are just nuisances - nobody wants to put up with bugs in their space!
Pest Management Professionals (PMPs) are trained to manage pests to keep our living spaces free of insects. But, PMPs also love bugs! Our industry works hard to ensure that we protect the "good bugs," like pollinators and other insects that are an important part of our ecosystem, while managing the "bad" bugs.
If you need a PMP to help you with unwanted insects in your home or business, find a VPMA member company at our website.
This VPMA exhibit is sponsored by Pi Chi Omega - a national fraternity of entomologists allowed VPMA to use these Jr. Entomologist videos to share our fascination of insects with you! If you are a teacher of young people and would like to use this presentation in your school, club, or kids camp, please email office@pichiomega.org.
Protecting health and property through professional pest management.
If you are young, or young at heart, and love learning about bugs, check out the Jr. Entomologist videos below. We hope they pique your interest in Bugs: The Good, Bad, Big, andthe Business!