Mosquitoes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Lahondère and Vinauger Labs, Department of Biochemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech
The Lahondère Lab focuses on studying the thermal biology, eco-physiology, and neuro-ethology of disease vector insects and ticks. We rely on a collaborative, multidisciplinary, and integrative approach, combining field work, behavioral analyses, molecular biology, chemical ecology, and electrophysiology. The results from these projects help to get a better understanding of the disease vectors’ biology and will lay the groundwork for the development of new tools to control their populations.
The Vinauger Lab studies the molecular, physiological, and neural basis of mosquito behavior. We are a group of experimental biologists, relying on a collaborative, integrative, and multidisciplinary approach, at the intersection between data science, neuro-ethology, molecular biology, and chemical ecology. Our long-term goal is to identify targets to disrupt mosquito-host interactions and reduce mosquito-borne disease transmission.

Come learn about the deadliest animal in the world!
Everyone has experienced the annoying buzzing of a mosquito around them. But have you ever wondered why they feed on blood? Or how a tiny mosquito can find you to feed? Or why your friend might get bitten more than you? Why do we even care about mosquitoes? We will answer these questions and more at our exhibit!
Our PIs, Chloé Lahondère and Clément Vinauger, lab members Joanna Reinhold and Karthikeyan Chandrasegaran, and the Fralin Life Science Institute.