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Interesting Insects, provided by Insects for Kids and Bugs for Kids (8:00 minutes) 
Elementary audience - Very good introduction to insects for all ages. 

12 Coolest Camouflage Animals and Insects, provided by Tailtanic (8:42 minutes)
General audience - Not all insects but some gee whiz.

How a Caterpillar Becomes a Butterfly, provided by SciShow Kids (3:57 minutes) 
Elementary audienceElementary, lots of enthusiasm.

Inspect an Insect, provided by Sci Show Kids (4 minutes)
Elementary audience
- Presented with lots of enthusiasm.

Death by Doodle: A Brief Natural History of the Antlion, by The Ant Lab Entomological Society of America (3 minutes)
General audience - Excellent video, good technique and informative.

Aphid-eating Insects in Action! by UCIPM (J.K, Clark, K.K. Garvey, L.L. Strand, D. Nessl, K. Windbiel, J. Thorup, R. Veter & A. Antonelli); Entomological Society of America (2:19 minutes)
General audience - Very nice, short story on lady beetles and other aphid eating insects, great if do not want to use insecticides.

Trapdoor Spider Seizes Insect in the Dark: Natures Night-time World, by the BBC Earth (2:31 minutes)
General audience - Very interesting explanation with excellent video capture.

Cicada Killer Wasp Facts: You'll Be Surprised Who Does the Actual Killing, by Animal Fact Files (4:00 minutes)
General audience - Very well done.

Bees Kill a Giant Hornet with Heat: Buddha Bees and the Giant Hornet, by the BBC (5:24 minutes)
General audience - Great and relevant expose’ on how bees have adapted to the giant predatory hornets; very good and of interest since in news recently.

Kung Fu Mantis vs. Jumping Spider: Life Story, by the BBC (4:07 minutes)  General audience Very good, nice predation spider vs. mantis.

Praying Mantises - The Kung Fu Killers of the Insect Kingdom, provided  by the Free High-Quality Documentaries (30 minutes)
General audience - Very long, but good! Discussion of different species of mantis.

Portia Spider vs. Long Jawed Orb Weaver, provided by the Monster Bug Wars (8:57 minutes)
General audience - Example of the scary world of invertebrates.

Sky Hunters, The World of the Dragonfly, provided by The Secrets of Nature (49 minutes)
General audience - Very good, but long.

Beautiful Wasp Zombifies Cockroach, by Dave Gillies and Team Candiru (5 minutes) 
General audience - Excellent, but worth the length.

Hyperparasitoid Activity, by Justin Brediau, Jessica Bray and Megan Ayers; The Entomological Society of America (3 minutes)
General audience - Nice presentation.

Hornworm Meets Alien, provided by Purdue Extension Entomology (2:18 minutes)
General and hearing impaired audience - Very nice time lapse photography; no narrative but has some text information.

Hyperparasitoid Chalcid Wasps Emerging from Brachonid Wasp Cocoons, provided by Nature in Motion (2:22 min)
General audience - Nice video, but does not include an audio narrative.

Dung Beetle Orientation, by Marcus Byrne (17 minutes) 
Adolescent and general audience - Humorous, but very interesting scientific approach to orientation behavior.

Emergent Genius of Ant Colonies, by Deborah Gordon (20 minutes) Adolescent and general audience - Long, not for K or early M.

The Loves and Lives of Fireflies, by Sara Lewis (13:40 minutes)
Adolescent and general audience - Long, not for K or early M.

The Secrets of Nature's Grossest Creatures, Channeled into Robots, by Robert Full: TED Talk (4:56 minutes)
Adolescent and general audience
- Moves quickly with good humor.

Instar Wars: Giving Force Awakens, provided by AZ Insect Fest;  Entomological Society of America (2:09 minutes)
General audience
- Nice variety of larval forms, but no audio narrative+.

Fatal Attraction of Carrion Beetles, by Katrina Pyne, Grant Callegari and Josh Silberg Hakai Institute (2:35 minutes)
General audience
- Beetle collection techniques.

Nature Spying on Monarchs Using a Humming Bird Drone, provided by  Nature on PBS (3:07 minutes)
General audience - Nice closeup video using the drone technology.

Fireflies Put on a Spectacular Mating Dance, by Blake Congdon; National Geographic (3:29) 
General audience - Nice video.

The Great Monarch Migration, provided by The Jungle Diaries (4:48 minutes) General audience - Nice video to add to the monarch theme.

The Amazing Journey of the Monarch Butterfly, provided by Facts in Motion  (8:00 minutes)
General audience - Very good animated presentation; it also covers the Painted Lady in Europe.

Insect Sounds Compilation (19 insects), by Juan Ibarra Entomological Society of America (3:41 minutes)
General audience
 - No audio narrative, but a nice variety.

Insect Sounds: Telling Crickets, Cicadas, and Katydids Apart, NPR (2:00 minutes) 
General audience - No video, audio only and not easily accessed.

Cicada Not Crickets Making That Noise in the Trees, provided by MrOnetrackmind (1:34 minutes) 
General audience
No audio narrative, but a nice presentation of several individual sound patterns.

What's the Buzz? How Do Cicadas Make their Sounds?, provided by SciBugs (1:21 minutes)
General audience Nice description.

How the Cicada Sings, by April Neander (1:10 minutes)
General audience
 - Nice animation description of sound generation.

Katydid Wide Variety of Sounds, by tekknosk8er (1:02 minutes)
General audience
No audio narrative, but provides text descriptions and provides very nice sounds. 

Anatomy of a Mosquito Part 1: The Structures of the Head, by Kristin Healy and Matt Faust; Entomological Society of America (2:39 minutes)
General audience
- Very nice presentation on head and mouthparts.

Method to Create a “Window” Into a Butterfly Wing, by the next Gen Scientist (2:03 minutes)
General audience (advanced)
- A bit technical, but provides some insight on insect research.

Observing and Modeling the Click Beetle Jump for Bio-inspired Robust Terrestrial Navigation, provided by the BAM Lab UIUC (2:08 minutes)
General and hearing impaired audience - No audio narrative, but provides a good text narrative.

Tennessee Fireflies:  A Summertime Light Show, provided by CBS Sunday Morning (6:04 minutes) 
General audience Nice presentation on social aspects of firefly biology+.

In a Flash: Firefly Communication, provided by James Lloyd and Marc Branham ScFri (4:09 minutes)
General audience
- Provides some details on the purpose and procedures involved in firefly communication+.