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Backyard Scavenger Hunt & Pollinator Fun

Hosted by Macaroni Kid of the New River Valley and Roanoke Virginia

Buggy fun for the whole family!

Children and their families can cook up some bee-day pops, build a pollinator house, make a butterfly craft, or complete a WINTER SCAVENGER HUNT to win a prize!

Image of the Hokie BugFest Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Hokie BugFest Scavenger Hunt

Get out your craft supplies, gear up your brain, and explore Virtual Hokie BugFest to complete this Scavenger Hunt.

For more family fun related to pollinators and for more information, please visit our website.

NRV Macaroni Kid is a hyper local, free, digital publisher for the New River Valley, Virginia. We share parenting articles, local guides, an events calendar, and a local directory. We work hard to "Find Your Family Fun" so you don't have to spend valuable time searching.