Daniel Frank

I currently serve as Director for the Virginia Tech Pesticide Programs (VTPP), where I provide leadership to secure funding and carry out Extension programming in pesticide safety education, IPM, and youth education and outreach. Major focus areas within VTPP include: 1) coordination of statewide pesticide applicator training programs, 2) development and dissemination of training media, educational materials, and other resources for extension agents, pesticide applicators, pesticide businesses, and consumers, and 3) serve as a resource consultant for university extension personnel and other stakeholder groups on pesticide safety education and policy. In my role, I act as a liaison between Virginia Tech, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and state and federal officials regarding pesticide use, policies, regulations, and emerging issues. Furthermore, I ensure that the goals of VTPP align with the needs and priorities of state pesticide regulatory officials and key stakeholder groups.
For more details about VTTP, please visit vtpp.ento.vt.edu.
B.S. (2001), Utah State University
M.S. (2004), University of Florida
Ph.D (2009) Virginia Tech
Work Experience
Director of Pesticide Programs, Virginia Tech, 2019-present
Extension Specialist and Associate Professor, West Virginia University, 2018-2019
Extension Specialist and Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, 2012-2018
Postdoctoral Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS, 2010-2012
ENT/PPWS 4264 - Pesticide Usage
Refereed Journal Publications
- Frank, D. L. 2020. Evaluation of organically acceptable methods to control periodical cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) oviposition injury on nonbearing apple trees. Journal of Entomological Science. 55: (in press).
- Frank, D. L. 2018. Evaluation of fruit bagging as a pest management option for direct pests of apple. Insects. 9: 178. 12 pp.
- Meihls, L. N., D. L. Frank, M. R. Ellersieck, and B. E. Hibbard. 2016. Development and characterization of MIR604 resistance in a western corn rootworm population. Environmental Entomology. 45: 526-536.
- Frank, D. L., R. Kurtz, R. E. Estes, A. J. Gassmann, M. E. Gray, C. H. Krupke, L. J. Meinke, D. Moellenbeck, N. A. Tinsley, P. Weber, and B. E. Hibbard. 2015. Effect of seed blends and soil-insecticide on western and northern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) emergence from mCry3A + eCry3.1Ab Bt maize. Journal of Economic Entomology. 108: 1260-1270.
- Frank, D. L., A. Zhang, S. E. Wright, J. S. Frank, J. F. Walgenbach, J. C. Bergh, and T. C. Leskey. 2014. Effect of a pheromone antagonist-based disruption blend on dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) mate-finding and infestation in a commercial apple orchard. Journal of Entomological Science. 49: 44-55.
- Frank, D. L., A. Zukoff, J. Barry, M. L. Higdon, and B. E. Hibbard. 2013. Development of resistance to eCry3.1Ab-expressing transgenic maize in a laboratory-selected population of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 106: 2506-2513.
- Christelle, R. A. M., D. L. Frank, K. A. Leach, T. C. J. Turlings, B. E. Hibbard, and M. Erb. 2013. Direct and indirect plant defenses are not suppressed by endosymbionts of a specialist root herbivore. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39: 507-515.
- Clark, T. L., D. L. Frank, B. W. French, L. J. Meinke, D. Moellenbeck, T. T. Vaughn, and B. E. Hibbard. 2012. Mortality impact of MON863 transgenic maize roots on western corn rootworm larvae in the field. Journal of Applied Entomology. 136: 721-729.
- Frank, D. L., R. Bukowsky, B. W. French, and B. E. Hibbard. 2011. Effects of MIR604 transgenic maize at different stages of development on western corn rootworm in a central Missouri field environment. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104: 2054-2061.
- Hibbard, B. E., D. L. Frank, R. Kurtz, E. Boudreau, and J. F. Odhiambo. 2011. Mortality impact of Bt transgenic maize roots expressing eCry3.1Ab, mCry3A, and eCry3.1Ab plus mCry3A on western corn rootworm larvae in the field. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104: 1584-1591.
- Frank, D. L., A. Zhang, T. C. Leskey, and J. C. Bergh. 2011. Electrophysiological response of female dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) to volatile compounds from apple trees. Journal of Entomological Science. 46: 204-215.
- Frank, D. L., C. C. Brewster, T. C. Leskey, and J. C. Bergh. 2011. Factors influencing the temporal and spatial patterns of dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) infestations in newly planted apple orchards. Environmental Entomology. 40: 173-183.
- Frank, D. L., T. C. Leskey, and J. C. Bergh. 2010. Morphological characterization of the antennal sensilla of the dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 103: 993-1002.
- Frank, D. L., T. C. Leskey, and J. C. Bergh. 2010. Development of a rearing methodology for the dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 103: 50-56.
- Frank, D. L., T. C. Leskey, and J. C. Bergh. 2009. Post-mating behavior of female dogwood borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in apple orchards. Environmental Entomology. 38: 1219-1225.
- Frank, D. L. and O. E. Liburd. 2005. Effects of living and synthetic mulch on the population of whiteflies and aphids, their associated natural enemies, and insect-transmitted plant diseases in zucchini. Environmental Entomology. 34: 857-865.
Book Chapters
- Frank, D. L. 2016. Management of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, using transgenic Bt maize. In: T. Islam, P. Pandey, M. M. Rahman, P. Pandey, C. K. Jha, and A. Aeron (eds.), Bacilli and Agrobiotechnology. 13 pp. Springer International Publishing. New York, NY USA.
- Liburd, O.E. and D. L. Frank. 2007. A review of synthetic and living mulches for control of homopteran pests (aphids and whiteflies) and diseases in vegetables. In: G. Saxena and K. G. Mukerji (eds.), Management of Nematode and Insect-Borne Plant Diseases. 22 pp. Haworth Press Inc. Binghamton, NY USA.
Technical Publications
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2020. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2020. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Frank, D. L. and M. Shamblin. 2020. Evaluation of OMRI and reduced-risk insecticides for control of eggplant flea beetle in eggplant. Arthropod Management Tests. 45: 1-2 doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsaa006
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2019. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2019. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Beckerman, J. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2019. Midwest fruit pest management guide, 2019-2020. Purdue Cooperative Extension. Publication 865.
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2018. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2018. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Bordelon, B. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2018. Midwest fruit pest management guide, 2018. Purdue Cooperative Extension. Publication 865.
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2017. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2017. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2016. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2016. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2015. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2015. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Pfeiffer, D. G. (et al, including D. L. Frank). 2014. Spray bulletin for commercial tree fruit growers, 2014. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland Cooperative Extension. Publication 456-419.
- Frank, D. L. 2014. Brown marmorated stink bug control using Lannate and Vydate on peach. Arthropod Management Tests. 39: B1.
- Frank, D. L. and A. R. Biggs. 2013. Control of internal Lepidoptera and other insect pests of apple. Arthropod Management Tests. 38: A6.
- Frank, D. L. and A. R. Biggs. 2013. Control of brown marmorated stink bug in apple. Arthropod Management Tests. 38: A5.
- Frank, D. L. and J. C. Bergh. 2009. Dogwood borer control using Altacor 35WG and HGW86 10SE. Arthropod Management Tests. 34: A4.